Sunday, April 25, 2010

Paragon Hard Disk Manager Professional is an established software reseller specialising in the sale of downloadable versions of well known products for PC and Apple Mac platforms to home users and small to medium businesses. A key differentiator is we are an online catalogue based service offering choice, advice and support across hundreds of products covering over 130 subcategories.

As our products are download only there’s an incredible environmental advantage when compared to traditional bricks-and-mortar retail and mail order outlets fulfilling physical boxed software products.

Downloads take just a few minutes to select, download and install saving considerable time, they are generally cheaper as there’s no delivery charges and often, download versions cost less than physical ones, but most importantly there’s minimal environmental impact as there’s no packaging and no fuel used for transportation.

The vast majority of software sold is in physical boxes and as such is totally consumptive throughout its lifecycle from manufacture, packaging and transportation. Wood for packaging and fuel for packaging and transportation are used in copious quantities but once the software is installed prove irrelevant to their continued use and storage.

Downloadbuyer presents environmental benefits by its mere existence. Every unit of software sold as a download as opposed to a physical box represents a positive environmental impact. The more Downloadbuyer achieves the more other companies will follow. Its success breeds further success. A reduction in physical boxed software sales has a measurable benefit to the environment.

It’s an achievable objective because it requires less effort by the general public and business buyers than the existing infrastructure.

It provides a “real” solution to environmental issues with minimal change in behaviour. If the public and businesses were educated to the facts they would see the instant benefit and make that change happily knowing that

Try this on downloadbuyer, Paragon Hard Disk Manager Professional

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